today is the second day of the year. and it's pretty much normal. for some reason, i haven't felt the same vibes i had last year. maybe because i have my goals already set before the new year? most of my goals are more on material and career. i want to fulfill the reason why i am here in singapore.
i am thankful for 2010 for being kind to me. i didn't expect me spending some time and career in other countries, but so far, i love what i am doing, my job and the people around me. every tick of the clock is like an experience so extraordinary.
2010 was indeed a rollercoaster ride for me. i made new friends, and made some people mad at me because of my impulsive decisions, and being irresponsible. i am really sorry, i hope you now understand that during those days, i really don't want to lose focus in achieving my goals. the decision was right, but, my actions were not nice.
when i left for singapore, i missed a lot of events. birthdays, weddings, christmas and new year in the philippines. i think it's worth it, because i know it's for a better cause. and i thank my teracomm apac family for giving me this opportunity.
my first two weeks were the most difficult part, but the most exciting. i learned a lot from my job... and still learning more. the adjustment period was a hell, and challenging. i am learning stuff i didn't got from school like basic programming (i need more feed!), personal lessons from what was thought in college like media management, pr, graphic design, layout, etc.
what scares me is my bosses' expectations. this is one of the biggest test. if i don't make it, i hope i can find a replacement as good as teracomm. as cool as the people... or maybe better.
that's it for now... i have to park my pen. bye!
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